Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A- typical, "A" student

I pride myself on not being the "A-typical" high school senior. I don't go to parties and get drunk- or drink at all. I don't slack off on homework completely and let my grades plummet just because I've been accepted to college. I don't hang out with my friends every single night until 11 and feel completely drained the next day. Basically, I'm not living life to the fullest extent like it seems everyone around me is.

But then again, I've never lead that type of life.

I'm the type of girl that is happy just hanging out at someones house watching a movie and drinking Mountain Dew (the beverage of choice between all my friends) and munching on some popcorn.I'm normally the only girl with up to 10 other boys, something that I'm used to. (After about 5 years of it, I'm basically "one of the guys." I wouldn't have it any other way.) Sure we get out of control and partake in "half-ton challenges" and other crazy things. But to everyone at school, we're not normal, we're not cool and we're certainly not worth including.

And to be honest, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with walking down the hallway and being called a "band nerd." And I'm definitely okay with not being called normal. But after going through 3 and half years of high school, I'm wondering where my place in life really is and how I'm going to be accepted at college. Being about four hours away from home in a totally new environment is mind-boggling at this point.

As my life is slowing being enveloped by our high school musical practices, I'm finding less and less time for myself and for my friends. And it's bothering me. We only have 6 months left together before we all head our separate ways and we're hardly EVER enjoying ourselves. That also means I have 6 months left to define myself and figure out who on earth I really am and where I want to be.

So here's to high school, finding myself, and trying to have the time of my life all at the same time.

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