Thursday, April 17, 2008

Huge change of plans...

Yesterday I went to my friends house and around 4:35pm, I decided to leave. It was a beautiful spring day so my windows were open but in no case was I speeding. I decided to take the "short- cut" home instead of traveling 934 and dealing with the after work traffic. Everything was going great until I realized the curve ahead was a lot sharper than I had remembered [and you really couldn't tell from my direction- you can from the other direction and I've traveled that way many times.] My back tires squealed and started going across the yellow lines. I tried to over steer back onto the road but did it way too hard and crashed headfirst into a tree. I didn't black out so I remember everything. Everything is so vivid in my mind and frankly, it's horrible. After the airbags went off, I jumped into the back seat of my car grabbed my cell phone, which was in my camera case, and jumped out of my car. i was freaking out. I called my dad and tried to explain what happened but I was in shock and couldn't' do it justice. A really nice elderly lady came running around the corner and called 911 for me. Shortly after the gentlemen from the house up the street came to help give directions and a house number for the EMT's to come. And then an amazing Army guy came and held my head still and let me rest on him. I didn't realize I was in pain until I sat down. My ribcage hurt, my head hurt and had a bump and scratch. When the EMT's arrived. Everything became a blur. I was having my vitals checked, my neck put in a brace and next thing I know, they're positioning me on a board to load me into the ambulance. I was still in a state of shock-- I had no idea what was going on completely. The guy in the ambulance was really nice. I got oxygen, an IV, and was being monitored constantly. I was told I was being admitted as a trauma patient since I hit headfirst at 40mph into a tree.

After arriving at the hospital, I was put into a room and surrounded by at least 8 people. They pulled off my jeans and cut off my shirt and tank top. I was moved onto a different bed and they checked everything. they hooked me up to an IV and took my blood and all this stuff. Really, it became a blur and I just wanted to see my parents. After a little bit, my parents could come in and check on me. I asked them to call Schane and let him know and ask him to come. I was taken to get CT scans and x-rays. I was admitted for the night and Schane stayed until 9ish. It was a relief and relaxing to have him there. And my mom stayed the night with me. I was on IVs and there just for observations. I'm okay besides my ribcage is really sore and my neck really hurts. I have a cut on my top right forehead, my left hip bone and left ankle. I'm lucky to be alive and that my airbags went off along with me wearing a seat belt. it could have been a lot worse, thank goodness it wasn't.

If you get the Lebanon Daily News there's a picture in the local section of the crash. They didn't mention my name because my dad requested it not be released. It just says a female driver.

Here's three pictures of my car.


Brittany said...

Aww I hope that you're feeling better and I'm glad to hear that you're okay.


samm said...

Incredible. I'm assuming you didn't make the trip to NYC? And through it all you kept up the blog. That's even more amazing. Your story certainly qualifies you for the exception to the no exception rule on when the survey report is due. Take the time if you want, heal. Thank god you didn't injure your typing fingers. Then your loyal following would have been hurt as well.

Noelle said...

car crashes are definitely scary, especially when you're alone =(.
i'm glad you're okay for the most part!

samm said...

How are you doing? Haven't read anything in a few days.

paige said...

You know what?
And I'm so, so very glad you're alright. I seriously was almost in tears when I found out.