Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cap & Gown

I graduate in 83 days.

Well, I guess it might change if our teachers strike, again. (maybe, i don't know, I've heard so many things.) But honestly, I don't want to go through the whole graduation ceremony. I don't want to sit through the possibly very boring speeches given by our Valedictorian and our Salutatorian. I don't want to have to fight back tears because I'm overly emotional. And I sure as hell don't want to sing with the chorale kids because our administration thinks that's cool. Frankly, I just want to walk on stage, get my diploma, shake hands with Dr. Kepler and take a cool picture. That's it. Plain and simple. But our school doesn't let you do that. And frankly, I've weighed the option of just not attending my graduation. But I don't think my parents would let me do that. So I'm stuck between a hard place and a rock. Maybe I'll just take a coloring book on stage and do that during speeches...hmm.....


Noelle said...

We were called disrespectful for taking fun pictures and throwing our caps in the air at my school's ceremony, but it's a one time deal, like prom.

Faculty blows in a lot of public schools but if you can slip a crayola 16 pack up your sleeve and a fun pad, then more power to you. :)

Brittany said...

This was my graduation ceremony:
-We couldn't chew gum (I had a problem with this, I'm a compulsive gum chewer, especially when I'm nervous).
-We couldn't have our cameras with us on the field.
-It was a 'ceremony, not a celebration.' If we acted out, we didn't get our diploma.
-We actually didnt get our diplomas until after we left the field.
-Our Valedictorian's speech was slightly suicidal.

In otherwords, my graduation sucked. I don't blame you for not wanting to go to yours.