Friday, March 14, 2008

Complaining about Over- Complainers

I am so overly sick of people complaining. And I know I do it too; we all do. But some people are just over the top. They complain about EVERYTHING, and whine too. And it's getting to be really bad at this time of year with musical and everything. Everyone is stressed, tired, sick and cranky. What a bad combination of people. If one little thing goes wrong, it causes a huge commotion and everyone feels the need to complain about it. It's stupid and I'm done. 

I have no reason to sit there and listen to a girl complain about her period. That's ridiculous. Every girl gets one, so shut up and deal with it. And how you look isn't the biggest thing that a girl should worry about-- it's a musical practice where they'll be dancing! And I'm sick of everyone being consumed by other people's relationships and how it's the biggest deal if this person is dating that person. It's there business and not yours, and I'm pretty sure it's not affecting the way you live your life, so shut up and get over it. And I know I'm full of complaints right now but  honestly, I'm pretty sure the average person (not a high school girl) can understand where I'm coming from. I realize I am a high school girl, but I'd like to consider myself not the "typical" high school girl ( I do hang out with mainly boys!) And one thing is for sure- something has to give or else I'm going to be driving insanity.

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