Thursday, March 20, 2008

Senior's "Skip" + Tilly & the Wall

So Today was Senior Skip day. The day that every senior is excited for; all banding together and not showing up to school- like it means something. But this one was ill-planned and the majority of seniors showed up to school. With such activities like a softball scrimmage, baseball game, girls soccer game, tennis match, and musical practices that require a student to be in school all day, many seniors couldn't afford to miss. So instead I showed up on time, tired and cranky, and handed in a note so that I could leave at 10:45 with two guy friends and met up with a college friend. It was a joke of a day; journalism, physics (where I did nothing productive or involving physics), a math quiz, and a study hall-- then Pizza Hut Buffet, an excursion to get a birthday present, and a nap later on. Then I headed to my college class, which wasn't what I wanted to be doing but hey- I'll roll with the punches.

Anyway, last night I went to a show in Philly with my best friend Nicole. My dad drove us down because I hate driving in cities. We got lost ...twice trying to find the First Unitarian Church and finally gave up and parked and followed the mass of "indie" dressed kids. Finally we found it and waited outside in the rain for the doors to open at 8pm. After the opened, the first band The Bee Team played for about an hour. And they were good- but not what I wanted. Then Capgun Coup came on and Nicole and I enjoyed them a little more than the previous band-- we were just getting warmed up and antsy for one of our favorite bands to take the stage. Suddenly Salt and Pepper's "Push It" came on and balloons began to float through the air. Nicole and I were so excited. Four songs later Tilly and the Wall graced us with their presence on the stage. They were amazing and sounded exactly how they do on their CD's. They played every single one of my favorite songs. It was fantastic.

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